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Open Space Committee Minutes 10/08/2010
Town of Old Lyme Open Space Committee Meeting
Old Lyme Town Hall

Minutes: October 8, 2010

Chairman Diana Atwood Johnson opened the meeting at 08:35 am with OSC members Bruce Baratz, Peter Cable, Bill Dunbar and Ted Kiritsis in attendance.  Also in attendance were Owen Mesham, an Old Lyme Middle School student, and Owen’s mother, Nancy Mesham.

Diana introduced Owen and Nancy Mesham and noted that Owen was present to examine and report, for school, on the proceedings of a Town committee or commission. Owen had selected OSC because of his interest in open space issues.

On a motion by Bill, seconded by Ted, it was voted to approve the OSC meeting minutes of September 10, 2010.

a) Ames property
Diana reported that attorney Cassella is working on defining the obligations on public access to the Ames property on Evergreen Trail designated for open space.

b) Kus property
There were no new actions regarding the Kus property to report.

c) Rogers Lake Graeb property inquiry
Diana reported on an inquiry from a real estate agent regarding potential OSC interest in a small parcel of 0.16acres on Alpha Avenue. The land had been purchased by Charles Graeb, in connection with his Bikes for Kids activities, and abuts Town property. Together the Graeb parcel and the Town property constitute about 1acre. Following discussion by OSC, it was concluded that the combined properties might be appropriate for Town purchase for affordable housing.

There was nothing new to report.

Diana reported that she and Christina Clayton had discussed the potential for joint OSC and OLCT purchases.  Christina was not present and there was no further OLCT report.

New Business
a) CL&P environmental grants
Diana reported that Connecticut Light and Power (CL&P) is offering $250- $1000 community grants for environmental protection and preservation (CL&P Community Grant Program) in areas served by CL&P.  Three potential grant projects were discussed at the OSC meeting: (1) Commissioning a CT Audubon Society bird survey, as discussed during their visit to OSC; (2) construction and placement of bluebird houses under power lines; and (3) construction and placement of boundary markings for Bartholomew Preserve.

b) Handicap accessibility for Town trails
Diana raised the question of appropriate handicap accessibility for Town trails, a topic that had arisen in a discussion she’d had with a State official from Hartford. There was discussion of this question but no resolution.

c) Cross Lane pedestrian easement
Diana raised a situation pointed out to her by Mike Kiernan. There is a pedestrian easement from Town property on Cross Lane, adjacent to the railroad tracks, toward Bartholomew Preserve. However, the pedestrian easement doesn’t connect to Bartholomew Preserve or other property off Cross Lane.

d) I-95 widening
Peter agreed to contact ConnDOT to get the latest update on the I-95 road-widening schedule.

The Planning Commission reported that it would have a completed POCD draft by its next meeting on October 14, 2010.

At 09:15 am on motion by Bill, second by Ted, it was voted to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Cable